Cordova is certainly one of the most promising and state of the art framework to develop cross-platform HTML5-based mobile apps. I’m a big fan of this framework, but unfortunately some stuff are in my opinion hard to Read more>>
Cordova is certainly one of the most promising and state of the art framework to develop cross-platform HTML5-based mobile apps. I’m a big fan of this framework, but unfortunately some stuff are in my opinion hard to Read more>>
Augmented reality can be really fascinating. But what happens if you combine a calendar with an App and 24 tiny doors to open till Christmas? Yes, the thing is getti Read more>>
Here’s quick tip I wanted to share because you might face this little issue: you have eventually recorded some voice notes with the Samsung Android application and wanted to share these it with your friends or integrate it into an email and then Read more>>
In the previous tutorials about min3D for Android we took a closer look on how to optim Read more>>
I read that a lot of people are having problems with the Unity Read more>>
[This entry was updated in Feb 11, 2015 ] [Initial post date: Apr 28, 2012] This tutorial is about creating and compiling your own Unity GPS Plugin for Android. I Read more>>
The previous post concerning min3D raised a lot Read more>>
When you want to visualize 3D content on Android phones you have several solutions and frameworks. While using Actionscript with Away3D (with GPU activated in AIR) might be the quickest solution to display low polygon models, what should you do when you want to integrate a more complex 3D view in an existing Android Java app? Read more>>
Simon Bergweiler and myself decided to continue our research in the field of interaction with the Internet of Services. The result is Calisto, a 40’’ multitouch terminal that can be used either over touch interactions or by speech. What’s pr Read more>>