Dear readers, I’m very proud and happy to announce that I won a CeBit Innovation Award (www.cebitaward.de) in the category Young innovator with the new semantic TV system named Swoozy (www.swoozy.net).
Dear readers, I’m very proud and happy to announce that I won a CeBit Innovation Award (www.cebitaward.de) in the category Young innovator with the new semantic TV system named Swoozy (www.swoozy.net).
If you know Middle Earth better than London’s underground map then you are a real Lord Of The Rings fan. I must say I was kind of skeptical when receiving a copy of the video game Lego Lord Of The Rings. How would a combination of Lord Of The Ri Read more>>
In the previous tutorials about min3D for Android we took a closer look on how to optim Read more>>
“Baby you can drive my car”… When the Beatles sung this song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ts2U1mkfz4) it was clear: music hits are closely linked to man’s best wheeled f Read more>>
I read that a lot of people are having problems with the Unity Read more>>
This summer was huge for music fans. Here is my selection of the best songs and tracks played this summer during the two major sport events: EURO 2012 and the 2012 Summer Ol Read more>>
In this tutorial I will explain all the steps to extract your RCD 210 (will also work for RCD 310) car radio system in order to plug a AUX-IN cable so that you can liste Read more>>
[This entry was updated in Feb 11, 2015 ] [Initial post date: Apr 28, 2012] This tutorial is about creating and compiling your own Unity GPS Plugin for Android. I Read more>>
La présidentielle 2012 se déroulera en France d’ici quelques jours et les premières professions de foi des candidats sont arrivées dans nos boîtes aux lettres. Ce Read more>>
Last day I wanted to insert one of my favorite games in the PlayStation 3 (fat edition) and bam: the disc can’t be inserted no more. What a huge deception, I firstly thought that there was already a disc in the console and pressed several times Read more>>
Believe me or not Unity 3D will be the next hype in the indie game industry and once you have discovered this tool and exported your 3D scenes to your iPhone, Android or even Flash (thanks to the new Molehill support) you will understand why. Read more>>
Last time I went to Munich I’ve seen this pretty fancy painted car: two BMW cars covered with white curly patterns . Of course it was – li Read more>>
The stock of rare earths and precious metals are getting lower each day, due to over-consumption and new extraction techniques: our iPads, cars and mobile phones are all Read more>>
How do you resize the Flash Player or to be more precise the width of window showing your animation? Whereas with AIR this is done with few lines, the Flash Play Read more>>
Do you like infographics? Do you like nice designs? Do you like numbers and statistics about everything possible correlated to the most curious facts? Then the book Read more>>
Last time I’ve watched MTV I was surprised to see this superb non-subliminal ad for the upcoming Renault Twizy in David Guetta’s Where Them Girls At music video:
This is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions on the web: you’ve downloaded a nice FLV (let me guess, from YouTube 😉 ) and you want to convert it into a M Read more>>
Have you ever asked yourself, how game circuits are realized? The crew of Turn 10 shows us some details about the development of the upcoming Forza Motorsport 4 racin Read more>>
The previous post concerning min3D raised a lot Read more>>
There is a lot of hype around the huge performance jump of AIR 2.7 towards AIR 2.5 when publishing for iOS and of course everybody wants to test it. Most of you have read Read more>>
When you want to visualize 3D content on Android phones you have several solutions and frameworks. While using Actionscript with Away3D (with GPU activated in AIR) might be the quickest solution to display low polygon models, what should you do when you want to integrate a more complex 3D view in an existing Android Java app? Read more>>
Molehill aka Stage3D will be the next revolution for Flash and AIR. The new Adobe Flash Player will fully support 3D by allowing developers to use a set of low-level GP Read more>>
“[…] Every time I breathe…
Read more>>
Simon Bergweiler and myself decided to continue our research in the field of interaction with the Internet of Services. The result is Calisto, a 40’’ multitouch terminal that can be used either over touch interactions or by speech. What’s pr Read more>>
Tick-tock, tick-tock: millions of musicians are following this sound every day. You guess it; the metronome is the musician’s best fri Read more>>
This is the most spectacular and technical Lego construction I’ve ever seen on YouTube. Made with thousands of Lego Technic parts, this construction will mix and sort balls in a very particular manner. Read more>>
This video is not completely new but very funny to watch and to listen to. I would never have tought that a house, a bathroom or a kitchen can be turned into a “musical room” 🙂 A really must have seen ! By the way the artists are : Ola Simonsson, Johannes Stjarne Nilsson from Sweden Read more>>